
Linda Simon
Dr Linda Simon (MVB MRCVS, University College Dublin)
Photo of adult Boxita
Ramón Torrealba /

While the Boxer and the Akita Inu may come from opposite sides of the world and have quite different appearances, they have been bred together to create one new hybrid breed: the Boxita. Both parent breeds are naturally dominant and protective, traits which have certainly been passed on. Most bond closely with their owners but can take some convincing to accept other dogs.

The Boxita is a handsome ‘doggy’ dog that is medium to large in size and athletically built. Most inherit the floppy, triangular ears of the Boxer, as well as their shorter coat, meaning they tend to look a lot more like their Boxer parent and it can be hard to tell they have any Akita in them at all! They come in varying shades of brown and often have patches of black and/or white fur.

About & History

The Boxita is one of the newer designer dogs and, as with most non-pedigrees, little is known about its history. However, both parent breeds are well-recognised internationally and a great deal is published about their early years.

The Boxer

The Boxer is a descendant of the Bullenbeisser, an extinct hunting dog, and the Bulldog. A relatively new dog in the grand scheme of things, they were only refined at the start of the 20th century.

They have a unique look, with their wrinkled facial skin, heavy jowls, large eyes and solid body. Though they are a German breed, their confident and sometimes goofy personality has won them admirers all over the world. They belong in the Working Group of the Kennel Club and have been historically used by the army as both a messenger and a guard dog.

The Akita Inu

Akita Inus are Spitz dogs that originated in Japan. As with other Spitzes, they have a dense coat, pointed face and ears and a tail that curls over their back. They are known for their distrust of strangers and require plenty of training to prevent resentment and aggression towards people and pets outside of their family.

They are one of the ancient Japanese breeds and it is thought that they have been unchanged for many centuries. For many years they worked alongside the local people as hunting dogs, pursuing animals, such as wild boar and bear. They form part of the Kennel Club’s Utility group.


Boxita Large Photo
Ramón Torrealba /

Boxita dogs have medium-sized square skulls with pendulous ears that are well set apart and almond-shaped brown eyes. Their brow is often furrowed, lending them an inquisitive and alert expression. They are robustly built and have well-developed and sturdy muscles. Their chests are deep and they should have a visible abdominal tuck up. Their tail may either be long and straight like their Boxer parent or curled over as is seen in Spitz breeds and their offspring.

An adult Boxita weighs from 30kg to 50kg and measures between 55cm to 65cm, with males typically growing larger than females. Interestingly, most puppies inherit the short and straight fur of the Boxer. Possible coat colours include fawn, red and brown. Many dogs will have white patches and black markings, especially on the face and muzzle.

Character & Temperament

More so than anything, the Boxita is tuned in and alert. They never seem to rest and are always looking and listening out for any unexpected noise. Their natural desire to protect their family makes them the ideal guard dog. Some owners delight in these features, while others find it tiresome to be constantly reassuring their dog that there is no real threat.

Most Boxita dogs have a natural dislike for other dogs and it can be especially difficult to convince an un-neutered male to share its territory. However, this hostility can usually be overcome with adequate socialisation during puppyhood.

The Boxita generally has a high prey drive and will be keen to chase after smaller animals, such as squirrels and mice, when out on a walk. Due to this, it is important that they have good recall and many will need to be walked on a lead when on public property.


There is no denying that the Boxita is highly intelligent and can learn a number of cues with relative ease. They respond best to an owner who is firm but fair and their training should remain consistent throughout their adult years.


A number of health conditions are known to affect the Boxita, so owners should make themselves aware of which to be on the lookout for.

Eye Disorders

Both entropion (an inward folding of the eyelids) and ectropion (an outward folding of the eyelids) can affect this breed. An improper eyelid closure can result in discomfort, watering eyes and even corneal ulcers and infections. Misalignments that are severe enough will require surgical correction.

Hip Dysplasia

An improperly formed hip joint can spell disaster for larger dogs as it becomes painful for them to move around as the disease progresses. Early on in the disease process, dogs may be seen to walk in a strange way and can hesitate before jumping or running.

Most will have their condition diagnosed on X-ray. Breeding dogs should have their hips scored so breeders can remove those with hip dysplasia from their breeding stock to prevent the disease from being passed on.


GDV stands for Gastric Dilatation Volvulus and is a rapidly progressive condition (think hours rather than days or weeks) that can quickly kill a dog. The stomach fills up with a mixture of gas and liquids and then rotates on its axis, preventing escape of the contents and cutting off the local blood supply.

The stomach then continues to fill like a balloon, putting pressure on the nearby organs and leading to shock. Immediate intervention will save a dog’s life, but owners need to act fast.

Boxer Cardiomyopathy

This is a heart disease that causes an irregular heartbeat, episodes of fainting and even sudden death. An ECG can detect irregular cardiac activity. In some cases, a dog will be sent home with a 24-hour Holter monitor to assess the heartbeat during the entire day. Those affected are usually given medications which aim to control the heart’s activity and prevent irregular beats.

Exercise and Activity Levels

Given the physical appearance of the Boxita, it should come as no surprise that they are keen athletes. They relish any opportunity to run or swim and will outpace even the most sporty of humans! Ideally, they should have access to a large garden in which they can roam freely off lead and they will never say no to a game of ‘football’ or catch.

Their mental stimulation should not be neglected, as to focus only on their physical needs can result in a dog that becomes bored and badly behaved. Owners should vary walking routes, encourage scenting behaviour and play a variety of games with their dog. On top of this, providing an assortment of toys and puzzles is always a good idea, especially for those who do not live with other dogs.


Thankfully, the short coat of the Boxita is easy to keep in good condition and should maintain its sheen with little input from an owner. However, this dog does drool and shed quite a lot so owners should be prepared for plenty of cleaning within the home! Brushing the fur daily can help to minimize shedding.

The ears of the Boxita need to be checked on a regular basis in case they start to develop an infection and those prone to wax will need to have their ears cleaned out every few weeks.

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