Dog Breeds: D
A dog with a unique appearance and a sparkling personality, your Dachsador is sure to be the talk of the local dog park! These dogs slot well into just about any family and relish spending time with each and every family member. To prevent obesity, owners must be strict with their diet and should ensure they are consistently exercised every day.
The Standard and Miniature Dachshund are small dogs and can both come with 3 different coat types – none of which require large amounts of grooming. The breed originates from Germany and was developed for hunting but it now a popular companion dog around the world. Dachshunds are intelligent but can be stubborn and sometimes difficult to train and require plenty of mental stimulation in addition to exercise. They can suffer from some health problems but special care should be taken to protect their backs as they are prone to spinal problems.
The Daisy Dog is an American hybrid that consists of three popular pedigrees: The Shih Tzu, Maltese and Poodle. They are well-behaved lap dogs that crave human companionship. While small, these guys have big brains and are quick on the uptake making them a real pleasure to train. Most appreciate the fact that Daisy Dogs are hypoallergenic.
Dalmatians are a friendly, intelligent, athletic breed of dog with a distinctive spotted coat, that make for excellent family pets as long as they are given plenty of opportunity to exercise. The Dalmatian does not require a large amount of grooming, and suffers from relatively few health problems, however, the most common health problems are deafness and urinary stones.
The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a lively, affectionate and determined little dog that was originally developed in the border country for hunting. It is generally healthy and does not shed, requiring regular brushing and stripping a couple of times a year. It is versatile and can adapt to different lifestyles as long as it has plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.
The Daniff is a hybrid dog – a cross between the Great Dane and a Mastiff. The Daniff is a gentle giant and has a great reputation with children. They require commitment in terms of training, as they can’t be forced into doing things. Generally a healthy dog, sadly, those problems they do suffer from tend to be serious, such as cancer.
A sweet-natured and very bright little dog, the Danish Swedish Farmdog would make a valuable contribution to any modern day farm, as well as to most family homes. Known for their patient and gentle ways with children, as well as their incredible versatility, it is no surprise that this Scandinavian breed was once used as a performing dog in travelling circuses.
The Daug is a hybrid dog, which is a cross between a Dachshund and Pug. These sturdy, long-backed dogs are great characters, have easy care coats, and require only minimal exercise. But they are barkers and can be strong-willed, so good socialisation as a pup and on-going training are required. Health problems include Cushing’s Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, and Cataract development.
A scent hound rarely seen outside of Germany, the Deutsche Bracke has been traditionally utilised for hunting game. While still used for this purpose today, they are also commonly seen in households as companion pets. Their ideal owner would give them ample opportunity to exercise and work, while providing them with the love and affection that they crave.
Doberdanes are not for the faint of heart and require dedicated owners who can offer them both the time and space that they need. Without the appropriate training and socialisation, these large dogs can become unruly and may even pose a threat to the general public. While they make great pets, many will employ these loyal canines as guard dogs.
The Doberman is a medium-large dog with an imposing posture and alert attitude. Dobermans are loyal guard dogs, with a natural protective instinct towards their owners. They are very intelligent, learn quickly, and are kind and gentle, despite their bad reputation. They are used by the police and the military, but they also make excellent therapy dogs and, of course, wonderful family pets.
Dockers are a unique crossbreed that incorporate the boundless energy of the Cocker Spaniel with the affectionate and gentle nature of the German Dachshund. Clever and kind-hearted, they make lovely pets for people of most ages but should be monitored when around children. Though pint-sized, they do enjoy keeping active and should be regularly exercised.
A breed of dog specifically developed to be powerful, brave and social with other dogs, the Dogo Argentino displays many of the best characteristics of the numerous breeds it has been developed from. The Dogo Argentino is incredibly versatile; used as a hunter, guard dog and even in search and rescue. Increasingly seen as a family pet today, a well-socialised Dogo makes a great addition to an active family.
The Dogue de Bordeaux is gentle giant with his family, but a fearsome protector when required. These huge dogs are docile and calm around the home, and are usually dependable with children, but need a firm and confident owner to channel their instincts as guard dogs in a healthy direction. They are generally easy to care for, but are heavy droolers.
A breed that is well-suited to acting as both a watch dog and a guard dog, the Doodleman Pinscher won’t hesitate to earn its crust when required. This hybrid is equally suited to being a household pet and can make a gentle and loving companion. Requiring quite a lot of exercise, the Doodleman Pinscher will not be a good option for every family.
Affectionate, loving, loyal, and energetic, the Dorgi is half Dachshund, half Corgi – an adorable crossbreed that has been raising in popularity. Dorgis are small dogs with the body of a Dachshund and the head and fox-like looks of a Corgi. They are social dogs, getting along with other pets and children alike. Dorgis are barkers, so they make good watchdogs too.
The Dorkie is a small hybrid dog, the result of breeding a Yorkshire Terrier with a Dachshund. A well-adjusted Dorkie is a delight and makes for a good family dog, although supervision is advisable with children. They can be overly-sensitive, which can lead to snappiness in some dogs. Dorkies are also prone to health problems, such as disc disease and wobbly kneecaps.
The Double Doodle is a hybrid of hybrids – the result of breeding a Labradoodle with a Goldendoodle. This curly coated, large sized dog is as energetic as they are loyal and loving, and is a great choice for active families. Health problems include joint disorders and issues, such as underactive thyroid glands, diabetes mellitus, and Addison’s disease.
A contented little dog that loves to be around people, the Doxie-Chon makes a superb family pet. While well-suited to living in a small home, those with nearby neighbours should be conscious of the fact that these cute little guys do love to bark. Quick to learn, the Doxie-Chon makes a gratifying student to train and can master a range of cues.
The Doxiepoo is an extremely variable hybrid that comes in all shapes and sizes, and may be found wearing just about any coat imaginable. At its best, it is an energetic and playful dog with an ear for danger, but it is one of the designer dogs that is sometimes poorly bred, and all pups should be carefully assessed for temperament and health.
The Doxle is a hybrid dog, a mix between a Beagle and Dachshund. The Doxle is an intelligent dog that likes to be active but is limited by their lack of leg length. They are loyal, protective, and fun, but with an outsized bark. They make good family dogs with older children. Health problems include disc disease, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, and diabetes mellitus.
A versatile hunting companion, the Drentse Patrijshond is a gun dog that is well-liked and often used in its native country Holland. A super family pet, they are affectionate and gentle, and get on well with children. Very dependent on humans, they will form close bonds with their families, but can be emotionally demanding, and are prone to developing separation anxiety.
Hugely popular in their native Sweden, the Drever is a long low dog with a heart of gold. Created as a hunting dog, his steady temperament and sweet nature mean he’s rightfully popular as a pet. He even gets along well with other dogs, and this hardy soul also has a great track record for being healthy.
The Dunker or Norwegian Hound is a scent hound that excels at tracking. He also has a wonderful temperament, and is considered gentle, reliable, and loyal. But the Dunker is a pack dog and his need for exercise, love of roaming, and fondness for barking make him unsuited to the city or life as a pet.
Traditionally used in Holland by crop farmers as herding dogs, guard dogs and cart-pullers, the Dutch Shepherd has been a prized member of Dutch society for many years. Recognisable by their brindle coat, they bear close resemblance to the German and Belgian Shepherds. Intelligent and obedient, they are used in a huge variety of canine sporting activities, though are relatively rare today.
The Dutch Smoushond is a hidden gem of a breed that is little known outside of the Netherlands. Friendly and even-tempered, this small to a medium-sized dog makes a great family companion that is loyal and loving. A healthy and obedient dog, perhaps his only fault is being rare and therefore difficult to find a breeder!