
The Doxle is a hybrid dog, which is a mix between a Beagle and a Dachshund. The mother is usually the Beagle, since this is the larger breed and makes for a safer pregnancy and birth. The adorable Doxle is sometimes referred to as a Beaschund. They are a small to medium-sized dog with that longer-than-they-are-tall look of a sausage dog.
The Doxle is a happy dog with a keen sense of smell and a love of hunting. Their intelligence, loyalty, and playful nature mean they make good family dogs. However, they can be over-protective with possessions or territory and may not be tolerant of small children. Despite their size, the Doxle has a big bark, which may make them unpopular with the neighbours, especially in an apartment.
About & History
Hybrid dogs, such as the Doxle, are relative newcomers and their story is really that of the parent breeds.
The Dachshund
The Dachshund belongs to the hound group and originated from Germany as a working breed. They first appeared in the 1700s, as a dog designed to go down badger, rabbit, or fox holes. A variety with ‘crooked’ legs was developed, which had the advantage of being shorter and therefore better adapted to working down holes. It is from these dogs that the modern long, low Dachshund developed.
The Beagle
The Beagle is a scent hound with roots that stretch back to dogs from Ancient Greece. The breed was nurtured in Britain, where references to Beagle-like dogs date back to the 1400s. The Beagle we are familiar with today was developed in the mid-1800s, as a result of breeding Foxhounds with smaller dogs to produce a hunting dog with an exceptional sense of smell and tracking ability.
Doxle dogs may vary more widely in appearance than other hybrids, because the Dachshund parent may be miniature or standard sized which impacts on the pup’s stature. But always remember that hybrid pups may take after either parent, so some may have a recognisable Doxie look, whilst others are more Beagley.
For the Doxle pups that are a true blend of both parents, they will be a small to medium-sized dog that is noticeably longer than they are tall. Indeed, some Doxles may look like a Dachshund but with the Beagle tri-colour coat, whilst others may look like a ‘stretch Beagle’ with a solid coat colour.
What can be said with certainty is this breed has a long snout and long drop ears that frame the face. They will also have a long, straight flagpole of a tail. Their legs are likely to be somewhat short compared to the body length. The coat is most commonly short, although a longer coat can’t be ruled out if the Dachshund was long-haired. Most frequent coat colours include black and tan, tricolour, red, and merle.
Character & Temperament
You can be certain a Doxle will have a big character and entertain their human family with their antics. Both parent dogs have a strong, some might say, stubborn temperament, which means they know their own mind and make their own decisions. This can cause the unwary owner some consternation if they are expecting a dog to obey regardless of distractions.
The Doxle has a hunting heritage which means they enjoy chasing small animals, which may have implications for other family pets. They are a good-natured dog (when treated with respect), but can be over-protective of possession and family members. They also have a surprisingly big voice for a little dog, which is great news if you want a pint-sized guard dog, but not so good for a quiet life when living in an apartment.
The Doxle is a clever dog. How successful training is depends on the owner’s ability to motivate their dog and keep their attention. Thus, frequent reward-based training sessions are recommended that use treats or play to keep the dog’s interest. Tap into their natural sense of curiosity and give consistent cues, and the Doxle is amply able to respond (if they choose to).
As a hybrid and a new breed, there is little information on the health problems to which Doxles are prone. However, there is well-documented health data for both parent breeds and it is reasonable to assume their pups may also be at increased risk.
Intervertebral Disc Disease
The long back of the Dachshund is permanently under strain, placing the intervertebral discs (the cushions between each vertebra) at risk of rupture. As anyone with a bad back will know, this is extremely painful. In addition to discomfort, there is a risk of a prolapsed disc damaging the spinal cord and causing paralysis.
Mildly affected dogs, with pain as the only symptom, need strict rest and pain relief. However, those pets will loss of sensation may require emergency specialist back surgery.
Some Beagle strains are prone to epilepsy, which is a seizure condition where no underlying cause is identified. A fit is distressing to witness, however, there excellent anti-convulsant medications are available which can decrease the severity or frequency of the episodes.
Both the Dachshund and Beagle are prone to under-active thyroid glands in middle age. The thyroid helps regulate metabolic rate, and low levels of thyroid hormone make the dog more sluggish, lacking in energy, and tend to gain weight. Happily, once the problem is diagnosed it is treatable with a daily pill to boost their thyroid hormone levels.
Diabetes Mellitus
The Dachshund is associated with an increased risk of developed diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes). Untreated this results in blindness and eventually a serious complication called ketosis. However, once diagnosed, diabetes can be managed with regular insulin injections and an appropriate diet.
Exercise and Activity Levels
When it comes to exercise the Doxle is a conundrum. Both the Beagle and Dachshund have a great sense of adventure and love to roam; it’s just that the Dachshund’s short physique is a limiting factor.
Thus, the Doxle is a dog that willingly participates in energetic exercise and thrives on it; however, those dogs with short legs may tire easily. This may mean they become physically tired before their need for mental stimulation is met, so be sure to make up for any lack of mileage by providing plenty of toys and puzzles to keep their mind fit and healthy.
A short-coated Doxle requires little more than a regular brush with a slicker to remove shed hair. The longer-coated variety needs the addition of a comb to brush out tangles and knots from their silky fur. These knots are most likely to form where fur rubs against fur, such as behind the ears or under the legs.
Since these dogs shed, rather than grow hair, they require little by way of trimming. However, an important aspect of grooming is dental care. It is wise to get the young pup used to tooth brushing from a young age, to reduce the risk of dental disease in the adult dog.